Thursday, December 10, 2015

Head Shots

The subject does look captivated because he is looking at the camera.The subject doesn't convey emotion. The picture does have a range of light and dark values.It shows Contrast.

The subject does not look captivated because he is looking away.The subject looks like he is thinking or distracted by something.The picture has a range of dark and light values and it shows contrast.

The subject does look captivated because he is looking at the camera.The subject doesn't convey emotion. The picture does have a range of light and dark values and it shows Contrast.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pocket Wizards

1.How many PocketWizards do you need to fire a flash remotely?
- You only need one

2. How does a PocketWizard transmit a signal?
- It uses Radio Signals

3.How many channels are available on a PlusX transmitter?
- Ten 

4.How can you tell if a signal has been sent or received?
-The light on the receiver turns red

5.What do you need to remotely trigger your camera to take a photo?
-You connect it to the pocket wizard which is connected to the camera.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Headshot Plan

1. How many light sources are you going to use (including any reflectors)? 
-Im going to use 1 light source and have it at an angle.

2.Will you use constant lights or strobes (flashes) or both?
- Constant Light

3.How many PocketWizards will you need?
- One 

4. How are you going to create a "catch light?
- By having a strong light source and having it at an angle.

5. What lens will you use?
-I will use an 18 - 55 mm lens 

Post an example of what you want your finished headshot to look like.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Rules Of Composition


Leading Lines



S Curve




Rule Of Thirds




Rule Of Thirds

Light As The Subject


S Curve



Leading Lines


Friday, November 6, 2015

Motion Preview

Still Action

ISO 3200
Shutter Speed 1/4000

ISO 800
Shutter Speed: 1/640

ISO 800
Shutter Speed : 1/800


ISO 800
Shutter Speed: 1/1250

ISO 800
Shutter Speed : 1/640

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Still Life Photos

Front Focus
Small F stop

Front Focus
Medium F stop

Front Focus
Large F Stop

Middle Focus
Small F stop

Middle Focus
Medium F Stop

Middle Focus
Large F Stop
Back Focus
Small F Stop

Back Focus
Medium F Stop
Back Focus
Large F Stop

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stock Photography and Legal Issues

1. What is a model release? Why do you need one?
-A model release is  form that states that you have the models permission to post pictures of the model.
-You need one because you could get sued by the model if you do not have one.

2. Why should you keyword your photos?
-You should keyword your pictures so you can organize them and find them easier.

3. Why do you have to be careful about shooting images with band names or logos?
-You should be careful because the owners of the logos could sue you.

4. Why should you save space?
-You should save space incase you later want to add text to the image.

5. Why do designers like Royalty Free images?
-Because they can use those images for free without getting sued.

6. Why should designers be careful about using Royalty Free images?
- Because if it turns out that it is not a royalty free image then they could get sued.

7. What is an alternative to Royalty Free images?
-You could buy the images.

8. In your words, what is the difference between Royalty Free and Rights Managed stock photography?
-Royalty free images are free to use but rights managed stock photography you have to pay for a license to use that picture.

9. What is a legal issue that is covered in the FAQ that you never thought of before you read about it?
-Model Release 
10. Why is it an interesting legal issue to you? 
-Because i've never thought about that 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Still Life Preview

Part 1

1. Review the painting example and provide a list of three items that were often seen in painted still life artwork. -Flowers


2. In your own words, write a paragraph that explains what factors the photographer must consider when doing still life photography.
-a photographer has to consider taking pictures of something that they know will stay still and not move.

3. Why is the Aperture Priority mode on the camera helpful when doing still life photography?
-So you can choose the aperture you want and get better looking pictures.

4. Why is a small aperture sometimes beneficial for still life photography?
-Because it can get more details and make the picture look better.

Part 2

1. Find an example of Stock Photography that interests you and post it to your blog.

2. What is an example of Stock Photography that you could take at your home or in Austin?
- pictures of flowers or local events

3. Who is interested in buying stock photography?
- Magazine companies or other companies that do not have time to take pictures.

4. Why should commercial photographers consider shooting stock photography?
-Because they could make money 

                          Part 3                                      

1. What are some objects that you have that you could arrange for a Still Life shoot?
- toy figures or toy cars

2. What backdrop/background could you use to enhance the emphasis on subject or contribute to setting the scene of the photograph?
-you could use a white background

3. What kind of feeling are you trying to evoke by grouping these objects and background together? 
- a feeling of nostalgia like when you were little and used to play with toys.

Friday, October 2, 2015


Part 1

What are three advantages of a RAW file:
-higher in dynamic range
-you get the complete data from the cameras sensor

What is one disadvantage of a RAW file: 
-They are huge files

What are three advantages of a JPEG file:
-sharper  image 
-higher contrast
-immediately suitable for printing or sharing 

What is one disadvantage of a JPEG file:
-Every time you edit the file you will loose data

Part 2 

1. Write your own one sentence definition of what a JPEG file is.
-A file format that compresses and stores digital images.

2. Write your own one sentence definition of what a RAW file is.
-A raw file format is a file format that contains all its data and is not compressed and its just the raw data.

Part 3:
1. Under the first heading "Capturing the Images," how much of the data does a RAW file retain after it is captured by the camera? 
-The RAW file retains all the data.

2. Under the second heading "Processing the Files," what are some of the things that a RAW file enables a photographer to edit after the image is taken?
- white balance, contrast, highlights, shadows, colors and saturation

3. Under the third heading "Practicalities," what are some of the factors that photographers must consider when deciding to shoot in RAW?
-RAW files are large files,Not every camera can shoot in RAW, and a jpeg cant be turned back into a RAW file.

4. Under the fourth heading "Which one is for you?" why would an aspiring professional photographer need to know how to work with RAW files? 
-Because you can edit a RAW file more than a jpeg.

Part 4: 

1. Make a list of three occasions it would be better to shoot in RAW.
-shooting landscape pictures
-shooting portraits
-shooting high detailed things 

2. Make a list of three occasions it would be better to shoot in JPEG.
-During  A Sports event 
-Sooting something in motion 
-Shooting a race

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Shadow Photography Free Shoot

F stop- 4
ISO- 2000
Shutter Speed- 1/40

F stop- 3
ISO- 640
Shutter Speed- 1/40

F stop- 5
ISO- 3200
Shutter Speed- 1/25

F stop- 4
ISO- 3200
Shutter Speed- 3200

F stop- 4
ISO- 3200
Shutter Speed- 1/30

F stop- 3
ISO- 1/30
Shutter Speed- 1000

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunny 16

Shot 1
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Sunny 16
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F16
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Shot 2
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F19
Shutter Speed: 1/40
Shot 3
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F22
Shutter Speed: 1/25

Shot 4
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F29
Shutter Speed: 1/15

Shot 5
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F29
Shutter Speed: 1/10

Shot 6
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F32
Shutter Speed: 1/10

Shot 7
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F36
Shutter Speed: 1/10

Shot 8
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: Mostly Sunny
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F14
Shutter Speed: 1/100

Shot 13
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: dark shade
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F11
Shutter Speed: 1/160

Shot 14
Lighting Pattern: Front Lighting Equivalent Exposure 1
Lighting Condition: dark shade
ISO: 100
F/Stop: F13
Shutter Speed: 1/80